Monday, September 12, 2011

Some Pictures of Our House

This is what our house looks like from the back yard. Our window is on the second floor (which here is called the first floor. The first floor is called the ground floor. Confusing until I caught on.)

This is taken while standing in the back yard. You are looking at the veranda on the left and the living room window on the right.

This is actually the neighbor's house, but it gives you a better idea of what the front of houses here looks like.

This is our front door, which faces our driveway, but not the street. The alien in sitting in the right-hand window.

This is the view from the end of our driveway. Those are the Jura mountains in the background. We've met a few neighbors. They're perfectly nice, but not super outgoing. They are both elderly couples with grown children, and they speak very good English.

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